The nurse will pinch the catheter just above the connection to clamp it, disconnect the old bag, and attach the new one, ensuring the tubing is properly connected. The nurse will:

  • Allow some slack in the catheter when attaching the leg bag to the thigh
  • Keep the bag below the bladder level
  • Clean the urinary opening daily with soap and water
  • Wipe from the urinary opening outward to avoid introducing germs

Patients should contact their doctor if they experience:

  • A fever above 100.5°F
  • Cloudy urine
  • Urine with a strong odor
  • Leakage around the catheter
  • Abdominal pain or fullness
  • Blood clots or very bloody urine
  • Minimal or no urine flow into the bag
  • The catheter coming out

Patients should have at least 100 ml of urine flow every three to four hours. If there is no urine flow for five to six hours, they should notify their care nurse immediately.

AHHC nurses are available to assist with Foley catheter care for those who need additional support. Contact us to learn more.